Odd Bequests

If you’re anything like me, during lockdown you may have found yourself heading into an internet worm hole being sucked further into finding the answers to questions that you never knew you had. I’ve wasted my time watching videos on how to remove burnt on stains from...

Current climate

I consider myself to be lucky with regards to my job. Whilst the subject matter isn’t exactly cheery, due to our holistic approach I get to meet and talk to many different people and hear about their lives. I’m very aware that despite the situation the world has found...

Life Interest Trust

Probably the biggest worry and most contentious issue that people talk to me about is that there will be nothing left for their children to inherit if they need to pay for care later in life. …People often fall into two categories, those who are pained at the...

Funeral Planning

All black or everyone in bright colours? A religious or humanist service or no service at all? Buried or cremated? If you haven’t thought about what you want your funeral to be like, then perhaps it’s time that you did. Whether we like it or not at some point we are...

Dementia & My Grandma

85% of people in the South East do not have Lasting Powers of Attorney in place, documents that can be invaluable should you lose capacity. Sussex has the highest prevalence of dementia in the country, with more than 26,500 people living with dementia. My Grandma was...